History of The 2nd IEIM 2021
For pandemic COVID-19, consideing the safety
and health of all participants, after discussion of organizing committee, The
2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial
Management, was held via online during January 08-11, 2021 successfully.
IEIM 2021 Conference proceedings published by ACM (ISBN:
978-1-4503-8914-3). Online and index by
EI Compendex and

Enjoy The Conference

The IEEE Fellow, Prof. Rajiv Sabherwal from University of Arkansas, USA
delivered keynote speech Information Technology and COVID-19: Some
Observations and Empirical Findings, Prof. Luiz Moutinho from University of
Suffolk, UK delivery the keynote speech TecHuman: from Heterogeneous /
Autonimic / Surface / Cognitive / Quantum Computing... to Industry 4.0, HE 2.0,
Virtusphere, Robotic telepresence, Augmented Humanity and the Human Algorithm,
Prof. Roel Leus from KU Leuven, Belgium delivered keynote speech Getting Your
Paper Published - A Personal Perspective for the Field of Operations Research.
Prof. Dimitri Lefebvre from University Le HAVRE, France delivered invite speech
Privacy and Security in Cyber-physical Systems with Discrete Event Systems
and Assoc. Prof. Adrian E. Coronado Mondragon from Royal Holloway University of
London, UK delivered invite speech Managing the Process of Digitalisation in
Food Supply Chains: A Conceptual Approach in the Fisheries Sector.
Best Oral Presenters
Then participants joined several sessions and disscussed the recent research
around topics Information Technology and Management Science, Modern
Manufacturing and Industrial Technology, Information Economy and Development,
Machine Learning and Industrial Engineering etc. For every session, one best
oral presenter was selected by chairman. They are
Walter Moreno
Vittoria Biagi
Zhanynek Suleiman
Dianne L. De Guzman
Mathias Laile